坂東 信尚,堀 洋一
Self Servo Track Writerのためのヘッド位置推定とPTCの適用
坂東 信尚,堀 洋一
電気学会産業計測制御研究会, IIC-04-72, 2004
Experimental Demonstration of Disturbance Suppression Control with Novel Nonlinear Disturbance Predictor based on Reconstructed Attractor
Nobutaka Bando and Yoichi Hori
IPEMC2004, 2004.
Disturbance Rejection Control based on Adaptive Identification of Transfer Characteristics from Accleration Sensor for Hard Disk Drives System
Nobutaka Bando, Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
電気学会論文誌D部門, Vol. 123, No. 12, 2003.
Acceleration Feedforward Control based on Adaptive Identification of Transfer Characteristics for Hard Disk Drives
Nobutaka Bando, Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE'03, pp. 28-29, 2003.
坂東 信尚,呉 世訓,堀 洋一
産業計測制御研究会, 2002.
External Disturbance Rejection Control based on Identification of Transfer Characteristics from the Acceleration Sensor for Access Control of Hard Disk Drive System
Nobutaka Bando, Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
Proceedings of AMC'02, 2002.
A Novel Nonlinear Disturbance Predictor based on Reconstructed Attractor for Motion Control System
Nobutaka Bando and Yoichi Hori
Proceedings of PCC-Osaka2002, 2002.
坂東 信尚,堀 洋一
坂東 信尚,堀 洋一
平成13年電気学会産業応用部門大会, pp. 605-608, 2001.