Parameter Optimization for NC Machine Tool Based on Golden Section Search Driven PSO
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
pp. 3114-3119, Proc. of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 2007.
Application of Human Friendly Motion Control to Power Assist Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
Proc. of the 8th University of Tokyo - Seoul National University Joint Seminar on Electrical Engineering
Development of an Operational State observer for Power Assist Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
Proc. of University of Tokyo Forum, Seoul Korea, 2007
呉世訓, 堀洋一
平成19年電気学会産業応用部門大会 2-43
PES 信号を利用したフィルタ設計に基づくSSTW 制御器の提案
呉世訓, 堀洋一
平成19年電気学会産業計測制御研究会 IIC-07-130
Development of Extended Wheelchair Operation Observer to Estimate Precise Two-dimensional Tilt Information
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
DETC2007-34409, Proc. of the 3rd ASME/IEEE International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, 2007.
Realization of Fractional Order Impedance by Feedback Control
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
pp.299-304, Proc. of the 33th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics, 2007.
呉世訓, 堀洋一
平成20年電気学会産業計測制御研究会 IIC-08-110
Generalized Discussion on Design of Force-sensor-less Power Assist Control
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
pp. 492-497, Proc. of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, 2008.
Integrated Motion Control of a Wheelchair in the Longitudinal, Lateral, and Pitch Directions
Sehoon Oh, Naoki Hata and Yoichi Hori
pp. 1855-1862, vol.55, no.4, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2008
学界情報 The 33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
電気学会誌NewsLetter, 2008.
呉世訓, 堀洋一
平成18年電気学会産業応用部門大会, II.301-304
Development of Golden Section Search Driven Particle Swarm Optimization and its Application
Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori
in Proc. Proceedings of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, Oct. 2006, pp.2868-2873
Control Parameter Optimization in the Hardware-in-the-loop System using Novel Search Algorithm
Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori
in Proc. Proceedings of the IECON06, Nov. 2006, pp.5240-5245
Development of an Extended Operational States Observer of a Power Assist Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori
in Proc. Proceedings of the ICIT06, Dec. 2006, pp.358-363
平成19年電気学会産業計測制御研究会, IIC-07-100, 2007.
Application of Human Friendly Motion Control to Power Assist Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori
8th University of Tokyo - Seoul National University Joint Seminar on Electrical Engineering
Parameter Optimization for NC Machine Tool Based on Golden Section Search Driven PSO
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
to be presented in ISIE06, Jun., 2007
呉世訓, 堀洋一
平成19年電気学会産業応用部門大会 (発表予定)
Lateral Disturbance Rejection and One Hand Propulsion Control of a Power Assisting Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
IECON 2005, 2005.11.6-10, Raleigh, North Carolina
Integrated Motion Control of a Wheelchair in the Longitudinal, Lateral and Pitch Directions
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
AMC 2006.3
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
平成17年電気学会産業応用部門大会, 福井, 2005.8
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
第23回日本ロボット学会学術講演会, 2005.9
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
電気学会産業計測制御研究会, IIC-06-31, 2006.3
Fundamental Research on Human-friendly Motion Control
Sehoon OH
東京大学博士論文 2006年
Sensor Free Power Assisting Control Based on Velocity Control
and Disturbance Observer
[Student Forum, Second Prize]
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
ISIE 2005, 2005.6.20-23, Dubrovnik, CROATIA
Control Developments for Wheelchairs in Slope Environments
[Best Paper Presentations]
Sehoon Oh, Naoki Hata, Yoichi Hori
ACC 2005, 2005.6.8-10, Portland, Oregon
Development of Noise Robust State Observer for Power Assisting Wheelchair and its Applications
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
IPEC-Niigata 2005, 2005.4.4-8, Niigata
Proposal of Human-friendly Motion Control
- Control Design for Power Assistance Tools and its Application to
Wheelchair -
[Best Presentation Award]
Sehoon Oh, Naoki Hata, Yoichi Hori
IECON 2004, 2004.11.2-7, Pusan
Development of a Novel Instantaneous Speed Observer and its
Application to the Power-Assisted Wheelchair Control
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
Proc. 4th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control (IPEMC 04), 2004.8.14-16, Xi'an, China
Proposal of Human-friendly Motion Control and its Application
to Wheelchair
Sehoon Oh, Naoki Hata, Yoichi Hori
SICE Annual Conference 2004, 2004.8.4-6, 札幌
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
平成16年電気学会産業応用部門大会, 2003.9.14-16, 高松
呉 世訓
A Novel Control Method for Power-assisted Wheel Chair
Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori
Proc. of 6th SNU-UOT Joint Seminar on Electrical Engineering, pp.51-54, 2003.11, Seoul
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
IIC-05-12, 2002.3.11
TCSC Controller Design Considering Torsional Vibration Suppression in Turbine-Generator System
Sehoon Oh and Yoichi Hori
Proc. of IPEC-2000, Vol.3, pp.1357-1362, 2000.4
呉 世訓, 堀 洋一
電気学会産業応用部門誌, Vol.120-D, No.8/9, pp.980-986, 2000.8